Chantal Ouairy, « ancien élève de l’Ecole du Louvre »

You are a private individual, art collector, art professional, restorer, gallery owner, antiquary, auctioneer, curator or lawyer.

You are looking for an underlying signature, an underlying drawing, the state of preservation, any touching up or stylistic features: we propose to you a complete multispectral analysis using infrared photography, ultra-violet photography, visible light with layer differentiation.

You try to understand the structure of the work, its repentances, the underlying compositions: we propose to you the X-ray photography of your work of art.

You are looking for a dating, the nature of the different pigments or binders: we propose to you a physicochemical analysis of the pictorial layer.

These different techniques form the subject of an exhaustive study of your works, which can also be completed with a stylistic study.

Beside our scientific expertise, we propose high definition professional photographs of works of art.

Furthermore, our “savoir-faire” in works of art exhibitions in terms of creation and setting-up will allow you to entrust us with the organizing of your exhibitions.
We use the latest techniques for the production of your invitation cards, posters, flyers, catalogues for art presentation and selling.

Works having been analysed by us:
Le Caravage, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Géricault, Leonard de Vinci, Brueghel, Raphael, Picasso, Renoir, Max Ernst, Utrillo, Toulouse Lautrec, Pissarro, César, Modigliani, Vassilieff, Balthus, Miro, Monet, César, Chagall, Fontana, Domergue, Guillaumin, Vlaminick, Proudhon, Brancusi, Géricault....

Please consult us to take advantage of our “Savoir-faire”



Chantal Ouairy Archipel - 16 rue Perronet 92150 SURESNES
Téléphone : 01 41 38 26 28 - Mobile : 06 60 50 42 80 - Mail :

EI- Siret 845 242 247 00011


Pigment analysis
Infra red
Ultraviolet ray
Transport and expert valuation
Sales condition